Annelida questions


 1. The unique charateristics of annelida is

a.  coelom

b. nephridia

c. hermaphrodite

d. alimentary canal is complete

Ans----> b

2. The most important charateristics of annelida is

a.  metamerism

b. hermaphroditism

c. elongated body

d.  presence of nephridium

Ans----> a

3. Which is not a annelidian charateristics?

a.  triploblastic body           a. metamerism

b. enterocoel                        b. nephridia

c.  metamerism                    c. pseudocoelom

d. bilateral                           d. clitelium

Ans----> b,c

4. Excretory organ of annelida is

a.  green gland

b. flame cells

c.  organ of bojanus

d. nephridia

Ans----> d

5. In annelida if a larva is present it is called

a. tropophore

b.  nauplius

c.  glochidium

d. tornaria

Ans----> a

6. annelida have a central nerve cord that is

a. dorsal

b.  ventral

c.  hollow

d. impermeable to K

Ans----> b

8. A suctorial mouth is present in

a.  tapeworm

b. earthworm

c. ascaris

d.  leech

Ans----> d

9. Clitellium of the leech is

a. permanent

b.  temporary

c.  absent

d.  all of the above

Ans----> b

10. Parapodia acts as a locomotary organ in

a. polychaetae

b. oligochateae

c.  hirudine

d.  archiannelida

Ans----> a

11. Metamorphsis does not occur in

a. oligochaeta

b.  polychaeta

c.  cnidaria

d.  all of the above

Ans----> a

12. A charater that is common to earthworm and leech is

a.  clitellium

b. botryoidal tissue

c. sucker

d.  closed circulation

Ans----> a

13. A definite no of body segment is found in

a.  earthworm

b. tapeworm

c. leech

d.  slug

Ans----> a

14. Leech secretes anticoagulant known as

a.  hirudin

b. heparin

c.  serotionin

d.  histamine

Ans----> a

15. The botryoidal tissue of leech is a

a. connective tissue

b.  mesodermal tissue

c. epithelical tissue

d.  mesenchymatic tissue

Ans----> a

16. A member of polychatae is

a. earthworm

b.  hirudinaria

c.  nereis

d.  none

Ans----> c

17. Suckers of leech are located at

a. anterior end of the body

b.  posterior end of body

c.  anterior and posterior end of body

d.  all over the body

Ans----> c

18. A bio luminescent annelid is

a.  nereis

b.  polynoe

c.  aphrodite

d.  leeech

Ans----> b

19. Trochophore larvae is found in

a. chiton

b. nereis

c.  aphrodite

d.  all of the above

Ans----> d

20. A temporary clitellium occurs during breeding season in

a. pheretima

b. heteronereis

c.  hirudinaria

d.  aphrodite

Ans----> c

21. Closed type of circulatory system  and coelom first appeared in

a. mollusca

b. platyhelminthes

c.  annelida

d.  arthopoda

Ans----> c

22. United sex and direct development occurs in

a.  polychaeta and hirudinea

b.  polychaeta and archinnelida

c.  hirudinea and oligochaeta

d.  oligochaeta and archinnelida

Ans----> c

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