1.Bryophytes includes
a.Liverworts and ferns
b.Mosses and fern
c.Mosses and liverworts
2.The main plant body of bryophytes is
3.Sex org Ans of bryophytes are a.Unicellular and jacketed b.Unicellular and non jacketed c.Multicellular and jacketed d.Multicellular and non jacketd Ans------>c 4.Sporophyte or sporangium in bryophyte is a.Fully dependent b.Partially dependent c.Fully independent d.Partially independent Ans------>d 5.A bryophyte differs from pteridiophytes in a.Archegonia b.Lack of vascular tissue c.Swimming antherozoids d.Independent gametophytes Ans------>d 6.Bryophytes are a.Amphibi Ans of plant kingdom b.First land plants c.First embryophytes d.All of the above Ans------>d 7.Largest gametophytes of plant kingdom is a.Dwasonia b.Zoopsis c.Funaria d.Riccia Ans------>a 8.Highest bryophytes are a.Liver worts b.Mosses c.Horn worts d.None Ans------>b 9.Which is commonly known as ‘horn wort’? a.Riccia b.Marchantia c.Anthoceros d.sphagnum Ans------>c 10.protonema stage is found in a.ferns b.mosses c.algae d.fungi Ans------>b 11.which of the following is absent in moss sphorophyte ? a.seta b.foot c.columella d.elater Ans------>d 12.presence of perynoid(algal character) is shown by a.riccia b.anthoceros c.marchantia d.all of these Ans------>b 13.which of the following is bryophytes ? a.cord moss b.peat moss cap moss d.all Ans------>d 14.the most economically important bryophytes is a.funaria b.sphagnum c.polytrichum d.selaginella Ans------>b 15.mosses are the indicator of a.air pollution b.water pollution c.soil pollution d.radiation pollution Ans------>c 16.which of the following has tendency to dissolve stones In
kidney and gall bladder? a.Polytrichum b.Sphagnum c.Ricia d.Pellia Ans------>a 17.A bryophyte used in ‘ anteseptic absorbant bandage’ is a.Funaria b.Sphagnum c.Polytrichum d.Parella Ans------>b 18.The largest archegonium of plant kingdom is present in a.Riccia b.Marchantia c.Funaria d.Anthoceros Ans------>c 19.Characteristic “gemma cup” are a.Riccia b.Marchantia c.Pellia d.Anthoceros Ans------>b 20.Simplest sporophyte among bryophytes is of a.Marchantia b.Riccia c.Anthoceros d.Funaria Ans------>b 21.Diocious gametophytes is common in a.Antheceros b.Riccia c.Funaria d.Marchantia Ans------>d 22.Plant body is dorsoverntally flattened and dichotomously
branched in a.Funaria b.Marchantia c.Selaginella d.Anthoceros Ans------>b 23.Rhizoid in funaria are a.Unicellular and smooth walled b.Unicellular branched c.Multicellular with oblique septa d.Multicellular branched with oblique septa Ans------>d 24.Only capsule is present in sporophyte of a.Dorsal surface b.Ventral surface c.On margins d.Every where Ans------>c 25.Rhizoids found in marchantia are of type a.Lingulate and appendiculate b.Smooth and tuberculate c.Branched with oblique septa d.None Ans------>b 26.‘gemma ‘ which helps In vegetative reproduction in marchantia
is found in a.Dorsal side b.Ventral side c.Lateral side d.Every where Ans------>a 27.Common moss is a.Single thalamus b.2 thalli c.4 thalli d.None Ans------>b 28.Number of neck canal cells in archaegonium of marchantia is a.Single b.4-6 c.6-10 d.2-4 Ans------>b 29.The protective layer of structure present in archegonia of
marchantia Is a.Elater b.Perichetium c.Calyptras d.Megasphorophyll Ans------>b 30.The movement of antherozoids towards archaegonium for
fertilization in marchantia is by a.Phototrophic movement b.Chemotatic movement c.Chemotrophic movement d.Hydrostatic movement Ans------>b ( the reason Is due to protein and k+ in archaegonium)