1.The age of fish is
a.Ordovician c.carboniferous
b.Devonian d. Triassic
2.Only deoxygenated blood is pumped in
a.Fish c. reptiles
b.Prawn d. frog
3.A flying fish is
a.Exocoeta c. fistularia
b.Ania d. acipenser
4.Lateral line organs are
a.Olfactorecepter c. gustatorecepter
b.Rheorecepter d. chemorecepter
5.Renal portal system is most developed in
a.Fishes c. amphibians
b.Reptiles d. birds
6.The teeth of fish are
a.Heterodont c. thecodont
b.Acrodont d. pleurodont
7.Placoid scales are found in
a.Reptiles c. bony fish
b.Cartilaginous fish d. amphibians
8.Young ones of fish are called
a.Larva c. nymph
b.Fry d. juvenile fish
9.Amniotes are
a.Reptiles c.birds
b.Mammals d.all
10.Which of these is true fish
a.Sea cow c. sea cucumber
b.Sea horse d. cuttlefish
1.Mesonephric kidney is found in
a.Amphibian c. necturus
b.Tortoise d. aves
2.Tailed amphibian belong to order
a.apoda c. anura
b. tetrapoda d. urodela
3.Organ of Jacobson in amphibian is for
A.Temperature c. sound
b.Smell d. pressure
4.Frogs and toads belong to
a.Apoda c. anura
b.Stegocephalia d. urodela
5.Congo eel is
a. fish c. reptile
b. amphibian d. mammals
6.The color of skin in amphibian is due to
a.Corium c. chromatophores
b.Melanophores d. keratin
7.Flying frog is
a.Alytes c. bufo
b.Rhacophorus d. hyla
8.Largest RBC is seen in
a.Elephant c. whale
b.Man d. amphibians
9.The no of cranialnerves in frogis
a.10 c. 12pairs
b.12 d. 10 pairs
10.Neoteny is characteristic of
a.Bufo c. ichthyopphis
b.Amblystoma d. rana
1.Skull of reptile is
a.Monocondylic c. tricondylic
b.Dicondylic d. none
2.Poison glands of snake is
a.Linguals c. sublinguals
b.Maxillaries d. parotids
3.Reptiles are
a.Warm blooded c.both
b.Cold blooded d. none
4.Fangs of snakes are developed on
a.Mandibles c. quadrate
b.Maxilla d.squamosal
5.The venom of viper affect
a.Circulation c. respiration
b.Digestion d. nervous
6.The snake eating snake is
a.Black cobra c. king cobra
b.Rattle snake d. anaconda
7.Which lacks urinary bladder
a.Frog c. snake
b.Cat d. monkey
8.Dentition of crocodileis
a.Acrodont c. thecodont
b.Bunodont d. none
9.Most dinosaur extinct in
a.Jurassic c. cretaceous
b.Triassic d. Paleocene
10.Land reptiles excrete
a.Ammonia c. urea
b.Uric acid d. uric acid
1.Age of birds is
a.Mesozoic c. cenozoic
b.Paleozoic d. none
2.Study of birds nest is
a.Ornithology c. nicology
b.Nidology d. phenology
3.Birds bones are
a.Pneumatic c. hard
b.Elastic d. non elastic
4.Wish bone is from
a.Pelvic gridle c. hindlimb
b.Skull d. clavicle
5.Preen gland is found in
a.Reptilian c. mammals
b.Birds d. amphibian
6.Skull of birds is
a.Monocondylic c. both
b.Dicondylic d.none