Chordata questions



1.The age of fish is

a.Ordovician               c.carboniferous

b.Devonian                d. Triassic

Ans----> c

2.Only deoxygenated blood is pumped in

a.Fish         c. reptiles

b.Prawn     d. frog

Ans----> a

3.A flying fish is

a.Exocoeta        c. fistularia

b.Ania              d. acipenser

Ans----> a

4.Lateral line organs are

a.Olfactorecepter    c. gustatorecepter

b.Rheorecepter          d. chemorecepter

Ans----> b

5.Renal portal system is most developed in

a.Fishes         c. amphibians

b.Reptiles     d. birds

Ans----> a

6.The teeth of fish are

a.Heterodont     c. thecodont

b.Acrodont          d. pleurodont

Ans----> b

7.Placoid scales are found in

a.Reptiles       c. bony  fish

b.Cartilaginous fish d. amphibians

Ans----> b

8.Young ones of fish are called

a.Larva      c. nymph

b.Fry           d. juvenile fish

Ans----> b

9.Amniotes are

a.Reptiles       c.birds

b.Mammals    d.all

Ans----> d

10.Which of these is true fish

a.Sea cow      c. sea cucumber

b.Sea horse    d. cuttlefish

Ans----> b


1.Mesonephric kidney is found in

a.Amphibian       c. necturus

b.Tortoise             d. aves

Ans----> a

2.Tailed amphibian belong to order

a.apoda             c. anura

b. tetrapoda       d. urodela

Ans----> d

3.Organ of Jacobson in amphibian is for

A.Temperature      c. sound

b.Smell                     d. pressure

Ans----> b

4.Frogs and toads belong to

a.Apoda                  c. anura

b.Stegocephalia     d. urodela

Ans----> c

5.Congo eel is

a. fish         c. reptile

b. amphibian       d. mammals

Ans----> b

6.The color of skin in amphibian is due to

a.Corium        c. chromatophores

b.Melanophores      d. keratin

Ans----> c

7.Flying frog is

a.Alytes       c. bufo

b.Rhacophorus    d. hyla

Ans----> b

8.Largest RBC is seen in

a.Elephant      c. whale

b.Man          d. amphibians

Ans----> d

9.The no of cranialnerves in frogis

a.10      c. 12pairs

b.12      d. 10 pairs

Ans----> d

10.Neoteny is characteristic of

a.Bufo        c. ichthyopphis

b.Amblystoma      d. rana

Ans----> b


1.Skull of reptile is

a.Monocondylic        c. tricondylic

b.Dicondylic               d. none

Ans----> a

2.Poison glands of snake is

a.Linguals    c. sublinguals

b.Maxillaries     d. parotids

Ans----> d

3.Reptiles are

a.Warm blooded    c.both

b.Cold blooded       d. none

Ans----> b

4.Fangs of snakes are developed on

a.Mandibles    c. quadrate

b.Maxilla        d.squamosal

Ans----> b

5.The venom of viper affect

a.Circulation   c. respiration

b.Digestion   d. nervous

Ans----> a

6.The snake eating snake is

a.Black cobra   c. king cobra

b.Rattle snake   d. anaconda

Ans----> c

7.Which lacks urinary bladder

a.Frog   c. snake

b.Cat     d. monkey

Ans----> c

8.Dentition of crocodileis

a.Acrodont      c. thecodont

b.Bunodont    d. none

Ans----> a

9.Most dinosaur extinct in

a.Jurassic   c. cretaceous

b.Triassic    d. Paleocene

Ans----> d

10.Land reptiles excrete

a.Ammonia     c. urea

b.Uric acid     d. uric acid

Ans----> d


1.Age of birds is

a.Mesozoic   c. cenozoic

b.Paleozoic   d. none

Ans----> c

2.Study of birds nest is

a.Ornithology   c. nicology

b.Nidology    d. phenology

Ans----> c

3.Birds bones are

a.Pneumatic   c. hard

b.Elastic    d. non elastic

Ans----> a

4.Wish bone is from

a.Pelvic gridle   c. hindlimb

b.Skull       d. clavicle

Ans----> d

5.Preen gland is found in

a.Reptilian    c. mammals

b.Birds   d. amphibian

Ans----> b

6.Skull of birds is

a.Monocondylic  c. both

b.Dicondylic   d.none

Ans----> b

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