Earthworm questions

 1. Earthworm belongs to class

a. polychaeta                          b. oligochaeta

c. hirudinea                           d.archiannelida

Ans----> b

2. earthworm is

a. arborial                       b.abssal

c.  fussorial                    d.volant

a.herbivorous            b. carnivorous

c. nocturnal and carnivorous   d. nocturnal and omnivorous

a. coelomate           b. metamericully segmented

c. prostomate         d. all of above


Ans----> c,d,d

3.the segment of earthworm bear in mouth is 

a. prostomium                  b.peristomium

c.clitellar                           d. buccal cavity

Ans----> b

4. 1st and last segment of earthworm is called

a.prostomium and urostyle                              b.pygidium and peristomium

c.peristomium and pygidium                      d.urostyle and pygidium

Ans----> c

5.septa are absent in

a.8-12                 b.17—21

c.1-4            d. 14-16

Ans----> c

6.lateral and lateral oesophagus heart occurs in ……..segment

a. 12,13and 7,9                     b.7,9 and 12,13

c.5,7 and 7,9                      d. 26,50 and 200,300

Ans----> b

7. setae in earthworm are found in all segment except

a. 1st,last and citeller reigion

b.1st last and cliteller

c. 1st and last

d. none of the above

8.brain of earthworm lies in which segment ?

a.2nd                   b.3rd

c.4th                d. 5th

Ans----> b

9. integumentary nephridia is found in

a.all segment                     b. all segment except  2or 3

c. only 2 and 3                  d. 4,5 and 6 segment

Ans----> b

10. septal nephridia in earthworm is occurs in

a. 4,5,and 6 segment                               b. 5 to last segment

c. 14,15 and 16 segment          d.  1st three segment

Ans----> b

11. blood glands are found in

a.cliteller region        b. 4,5 and 6 segment

c. all segment                  d. 1st 3  segment

Ans----> b

12. A skeleton like function during locomotion is perfered in earthworm

a. blood                  b. ventral nerve cord

c. typhosole             d. colemic fluid

Ans----> d

13. haemoglobin in earthworm is dissolved in

a. coelom                      b. blood

c. plasma                    d.absent

Ans----> b

14. coelom in earthworm is

a. schizocoelom               b. interocoelom

c. both a and b            d. pseudocoelom

Ans----> a

15. chloragogen cell of earthworm are analogous to vertebrate's

a. liver                           b. kidney

c. lungs                                     d. gut

Ans----> a

16. Chloragogen cells are for

a. excretion of water                    b. fat storage                     a. excretion        b.respiration

c.  phagocytosis                               d.  digestion                      c. phagocytosis      d. digestion

Ans----> b,a

17. Cuticle of earthworm is secreted by

a. peritneum                                             b.  muscular layer

c.  epidermis                                              d.  hypodermis

Ans----> c[/bg_collapse]                                                                      

18. Earthworm moves with the help of

a.  setae                              b.  muscules      a. mucus           b. segmentation of body    a. extension  b. anchorage  

c.  setae and muscule       d.  parapodia    c. clitellum        d. setae                                  c. contraction   d. all

Ans----> c,d,d

19. Porphyrin in the earthworm is found in

a. circular muscules                           b. cuticle

c.  both a and b                                       d.  longitudinal muscule

20. Saliva of the earthworm contains

a.  mucus                                               b. ptylain

c.  mucus and proteases                     d.  only proteases

Ans----> c

21. In earthworm the effective organ for digestion is

a.mouth                       b.  buccal cavity

c.  pharynx                  d.  stomach

Ans----> c

22. Part of the alimentary canal lined by cuticle is

a. stomach                          b. intestine

c. gizzard                             d. pharynx

Ans----> c

23. Longitudinal muscule fibre is absent in

a. mouth                            b.  stomach

c.  gizzard                          d.   intestine

Ans----> c

24. The excretory product in earthworm is

a. ammonia and urea         b. ammonia  

c. urea                                    c. uric acid

Ans----> a

25. Origin of nephridia in earthworm is

a.  ectodermal                                            b. endodermal

c.  mesodermal                                             d.  none of the above

Ans----> a

26. Nephridia with nephrostome is

a. integumentary                             b.  septal

c.  pharyngeal                                  d.  both a and c

Ans----> b

27. Which of the following is or are enteronephric nephridia?

a. integumentary nephridia                                b.  pharyngeal nephridia

c.  septal nephridia                                                 d.  both b and c

Ans----> d

28. Smallest and most numerous type of nephridia is

a. septal                                              b.  pharyngeal

c. integumentary                                d.  none

Ans----> c

29. In the earthworm the enteronephric nephridia open in

a. body surface                           b. testes sacs

c. alimentary canal                    d.  coelom

Ans----> c

30. In earthworm which nephridia  forms forest of nephridia in which region?

a. septal and clitellar region          b. integumentary and intestinal region

c. integumentary and clitellar region         d. pharyngeal and buccal cavity

Ans----> c

31. Copulation in the earthworm occurs in

a. day in rainy season                b. night in rainy season

c.  night in water                           d. night in summer season

Ans----> b

32. The function of spermatheca in earthworm is

a. produce sperm during copulation for storage

b. receive sperm during copulation for storage

c. receive egg for fertilization

d. secrete coccon

a. protection of sperms                                     b. generation of sperms

c.  stimulation of ovum                                      d. storing of sperms

Ans----> b,d

33. A coccon of earthworm contains

a. one fertilized egg                                                b. two fertilized egg

c.  many fertilized eggs                                            d.  none

Ans----> c

34. Blood circulation in earthworm is

a. open type                                b.  closed type

c.  portal type                                d.  none

Ans----> b

35. Photorecptors in earthworm occurs in

a.epidermis of ventral body wall                                               b. epidermis of dorsal body wall

c.  skin of prostomium                                                                   d. skin of peristomium

Ans----> b

36. The main distrubutive blood vessel is

a. dorsal blood vessel                                             b. ventral blood vessel

c.  supra oesophageal blood vessel                     d.  anterior loop

Ans----> b

37. Each segmental ganglia in earthworm gives rise to

a. single nerve fibre                                  b.  three nerve fibre

c.  three pairs of nerve fibre         d.  none

Ans----> c

38. Brain in earthworm is formed by

a. sub pharyngeal gangila        b. infrapharyngeal ganglia

c.   supra pharyngeal ganglia    d. all of the above

Ans----> c

39. Nephridia brings all the waste product from

a.  gut                                    b. coelom

c.  clitellum                         d. prostomium

Ans----> b

40. When an earthworm is made dry it dries due to

a. hypoxia                                b.  asphyxia

c. pheumonia                          d. starvation

Ans----> b

41. Nerve chord in earthworm is

a. single ventral solid                       b. single dorsal hollow

c. double ventral solid                      d. double dorsal hollow

42. The part of spermatheca that helps in  the nourishment of spermatozoa is

a. ampula        b. diverticulum

c. both          d. none

43. Salivary gland in the earthworm is found in

a. dorsal wall of buccal cavity     b. ventral blood vessel

c. roof of pharyngeal wall        d. none

Ans----> c

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