Echinodermata questions


1) Aristotles lantern is found in

A) Jelly fish

B) Sea anemone

C) Sea lily

D) Sea urchin.

Ans----> d

2) The term not applicable to echinodermata

A) Madreporite

B) Podia

C) Marine

D) Bilateral symmetry.

Ans----> d

3) Water vascular system (ambulacral system) is typically found in

A) Hydra

B) Sponge

C) Earthworm

D) Star fish.

Ans----> d

4) Main function of pedicellariae in Asterias is [CPMT 1999]

A) Digestion

B) Excretion

C) Respiration

D) Capture of prey and removal of debris.

Ans----> d

5) Sea lilies are the members of class

A) Ophiuroidea

B) Asteroidea

C) Crinoidea.

D) Echinoidea

Ans----> b

6) Which character is common in phylum Echinodermata and Chordata

A) Mouth arises some distance away from blastopore (Deuterostomial).

B) Mouth arises from blastopore or anterior margin of blastopore (Protostomial)

C) Presence of pharyngeal gill slits

D) Presence of notochord

Ans----> a

7) Respiration by dermal gills (branchiae) and respiratory tree is performed by the animals of

A) Mollusca

B) Echinodermata.

C) Protochordata

D) Arthropoda

Ans----> b

8) In which phylum is water vascular system found

A) Protozoa

B) Arthropoda

C) Porifera

D) Echinodermata.

Ans----> d

9) Starfish belongs to class

A) Pisces

B) Cephalopoda

C) Asteroidea.

D) Ophiuroidea

Ans----> d

10) Ambulacral grooves are absent in the living forms of the class

A) Crinoidea

B) Ophiuroidea.

C) Asteroidea

D) Echinodermata

Ans----> b

11) Aristotle's lantern is a characteristic of the following class of echinodermata

A) Echinoidea.

B) Ophiuroidea

C) Holothuroidea

D) Asteroidea

Ans----> a

12) A special feature of Evisceretion (Autoformy) is found in

A) Chordata

B) Echinodermata.

C) Annelida

D) Coelentrata

Ans----> b

13) An animal with unsegmented coelom, superficial radial symmetry and bilateral symmetrical larva belongs to

A) Arthropoda

B) Mollusca

C) Echinodermata.

D) Annelida

Ans----> c

14) Animals of which group are not fresh water

A) Crustacea

B) Insecta

C) Echinodermata.

D) Sponge

Ans----> c

15) Which phylum belongs to Duterostomia

A) Echinodermata.

B) Mollusca

C) Arthropoda

D) Annelida

Ans----> a

16) An animal that transforms from bilateral to radial symmterical in its life cycle is

A) Hydra

B) Obelia

C) Starfish.

D) Sponge

Ans----> c

17) Absence of excretory organs, great power of regeneration and exclusively marine animals belong to the phylum

A) Mollusca

B) Echinodermata

C) Fishes

D) Arthropoda

Ans----> b

18) Segmentation of body is not represented in

A) Cray fish

B) Frog

C) Grasshopper

D) Star fish.

Ans----> d

19) Mark the correct one Phylum Class Example

A) Annelida Oligocheta Nereis

B) Mollusca Pelecypoda Cuttle fish

C) Reptillia Ophidia Lizard

D) Echinodermata Holothuroidea Cucumaria.

Ans----> d

20) Triploblastic, organ system grade body, coelomate and unsegmented animals are of

A) Coelenterata

B) Echinodermata.

C) Mollusca

D) Arthropoda

Ans----> b

21) Absence of head, unsegmented body and endoskeleton of dermal calcareous plate are the characters of

A) Mollusca

B) Arthropoda

C) Echinodermata

D) None of these

Ans----> c

23) Cephalization is absent in

A) Molluscs

B) Arthropods

C) Both (a) and (b)

D) Echinoderms.

Ans----> d

24) Which is unrelated

A) Sea Cucumber

B) Sea Star

C) Sea Urchin

D) Sea Squid

Ans----> d

25) Echinodermata is a group of animals

A) Coelomate, horny, marine

B) Coelomate, spiny, marine.

C) Acoelomate, spiny, fresh water

D) Joint legged, marine

Ans----> b

26) Aristotles lantern is connected with

A) Respiration

B) Mastication.

C) Excretion

D) Support

Ans----> b

27) Echinoderms are headless, brainless and heartless. Yet they are placed at the top of invertebrates because of presence of

A) Enterocoel.

B) Exclusive marine forms

C) High power of regeneration

D) Great power of reproduction

Ans----> a

28) Tube feet are the characteristic structures of

A) Jellyfish

B) Cuttlefish

C) Starfish.

D) Crayfish

Ans----> c

29) Antedon belongs to the class

A) Crinoidea.

B) Asteroidea

C) Ophiuroidea

D) Echinoidea

Ans----> a

30) Basket star belongs to class

A) Ophiuroidea.

B) Echinoidea

C) Asteroidea

D) Crinoidea

Ans----> a

31) Which one of the following statement is true about an organism and its classification

A) Blue green alga is kind of fungus

B) Sea horse is closely related to dolphim

C) Maiden hair tree is a kind of angiosperm

D) Sea lily is a kind of echninoderm.

Ans----> d

32) In echinodermata, tube feet are related with

A) Excretory system

B) Ambulacral system

C) Reproductive system

D) Respiratory system

Ans----> b

33) Which one of the following pairs of animals is correctly matched with the kind of their body symmetry

A) Hydra and shark - Bilateral symmetry

B) Tapeworm and octopus - Radial symmetry

C) Amoeba and sea urchin - Asymmetry

D) Jellyfish and starfish - Radial symmetry

Ans----> d

34) Enterocoelic type of coelom is present in the

A) Echinodermata

B) Mollusca

C) Arthropoda

D) Chordata

Ans----> a

35. The main function of tube feet in echinodermata is

a. nutrition                              a. excretion        

b.  locomotion                       b. nutrition

c.  circulation                           c. circulation

d.  defence                             d. defence

Ans----> b,b

36. The larval stage of starfish is called

a. tornaria

b. bipinnaria

c.  dipleurula

d. auriularia

Ans----> b

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