1. The phyllum mollusca means
a. shelled animals
b. aquatic animals
c. soft bodied animals
d. mantle bearers
2. Mollusca possesses
a. schizcoel a. true coelom
b. pseudocoel b. false coelom
c. enterocoel c. intermediate false coelom
d. no coelom d. none
3. In mollusca blastopore gives rise to
a. mouth
b. anus
c. both mouth and anus
d. none
4. Mollusca carry out oxygen transportation by
a. haemocyanin
b. haemoerythrin
c. haemoglobin
d. none
5. Haemocyanin the blue coloured pigment of mollusca blood contains
a. iron
b. magnesium
c. copper
d. manganese
6. Ctenidia in mollusca are
a. excretory organs
b. respiratory organs
c. protective organs
d. reproductive organs
7. excretory organs of mollusca is
a. ospharidium a. a pair of kidney
b. johnstan organs b. organ of bojanus
c. organ of bojanus c. keber's organ
d. mantle d. all
8. Kidney of mollusca are
a. pronephric
b. metanephric
c. mesonephric
d. none
12.A mollusca differs from other by
a. segmented body and shell
b. mantle and gill
c. segmented body and mantle
d. mantle and shell
13. In mollusca the shell is secreted by
a. ctenidium
b. operculum
c. foot
d. mantle
14. Which of the following is a mollusca larvae?
a. bipinnaria
b. veliger
c. parenchymula
d. auricularia
15. Neoplinia is a connecting link between
a. arthopoda and mollusca
b. annelida and mollusca
c. mollusca and echinodermata
d. mollusca and helminthes
16. Locomotion in mollusca takes place by
a. tentacles
b. tube feet
c. muscular feet
d. boy legs
17. Mollusca are classified mainly on the basis of
a. shell
b. foot
c. both a and b
d. none
18. which molluscan group is primarly used in pearl industry?
a. pelecypoda
b. monoplacophora
c. cephalophoda
d. gastropoda
19. Pearl is obtained from
a. oyster
c. starfish
d. whale
20. Asymmetric members of mollusca belong to class
a. celphalopoda
b. gastropoda
c. monoplacophora
d. pelecypoda
21. The rasping organ radula is found in
a. unio
b. octupus
c. sepia
d. pila
22. Largest invertebrate or mollusca is
a. giant clam
b. giant snail
c. giant octupus
d. giant squid
23. Ink gland found in some molluscan are concerned with
b. reproduction
c. protection
d. all
24. Which of the following is not a larval form of mollusca?
a. pluteus
b. trochophore
c. veliger
d. glochidium
25. Many molluscans have a water testing organ present in the mantle cavity . This is called
A. statocyst
b. ospharidium
c. tentacuocyst
d. amphid
26. Pearl is secreted by
a. prismatic layer
b. connective tissue of mantle
c. columnar epithelical cell
d. ciliated epithelical cell of mantle
27. Glocholidium and veliger both are the larval forms of
a. Pila
b. Neresis
c. Asrterias
d. Bivalves
28. Wood boring mollusca is
a. Dentallium
b. Teredo
c. Limax
d. Chiton
29. Closed circulatory system does not occurs in
a. cockroach
b. cuttlefish
c.. snail
d. all of the above