1. paramecium belongs to class
a. sarcodina b. sporozoa
c. ciliata d. rhizopoda
2. Paramecium occurs in
a. fresh running water b moist soil
c. marine water d. fresh stagnant water
3. Osmoregulation in paramecium is performed by
a. micronuclei b. cytophage
c. contracile vacuole d. radiating canal
a. micronuclei b. cytophage
c. cilia d. accessory vacuole
4. contractile vacuole in paramecium are
a. one in number b. two in number
c. numerous d. none
5. Mode of nutrition and digestion in paramecium are
a. intracellular and holozoic b. holozoic and extracellular
c. holozoic and intracellular d. extracellular and holozoic
6. Trichocyst helps in
a. osmoregulation b. offense
c. defence d. both b and c
a. offense b. defence
c. attachment d. all
a. offence b. defence
c. attachment d. digestion
7. Macronucleus in paramecium is
a. small and halploid b. large and haploid
c,. large and diploid d. large and polyploid
8. Idiochromatin and trophochromatin are found in
a. micro and macro nuclei b. macro and micro nuclei
c. both d. none
9. Asexual reproduction in paramecium occurs through
a. transverse binary fission b. longitudinal binary fission
c. oblique binary fission d. multiple binary fission
10. Conjucation in paramecium occurs for the purpose of
a. sexual reproduction b. rejuvenation
c. both a and b d. multiplication
a. sexual reproduction b. rejuvenation
c. asexual reproduction d none
a. sexual reproduction b. asexalreproduction
c. both d. none
11. Which of the following is a filter feeder?
a. spider b. euglena
c. amoeba d. paramecium
12. Streaming movement of Paramecium is termed as
a. rotation b. cyclosis
c. obliteration d. hoemostasis
13. In Paramecium cyclosis is associated with
a. digestion b. circulation
c. locomotion d. excretion
a. locomotion b. respiration
c. digestion d. excretion
14. which species of paramecium has only three nuclei ?
a. P. caudatum b. P.aurelia
c. P. multimicronuleatum d. P. polycaspum
15. Which of the following corresponds to self fertilization?
a. autogamy b. cytogamy
c. endomizxis d. hemixis
16. Contractile vacuole of paramecium are analogous to
a. sweet gland of mammals b. uriniferous tubules
c. gastrovascular cavity of hydra d. typhosole of earthworm
17. Food is digested in paramecium in medium
a. first acidic and alkaline b. first alkaline then acidic
c. neutral medium d. only acidic
18. Oral groove is found placed in
a. dorsa side b. ventral side
c. dorsoventral side d. ventrolateral side
19. Conjugation in paramecium involves
a. micronuclei exchange b. macronuclei
c. both d. none
20. In paramecium
a. anterior contractile vacuole works faster than posterior
b. posterior contracile vacuole works faster than anterior
c.both works equally
d. none
21. Each ex conjucation in Paramecium during conjucation gives rise to
a. eight daughter nuclei b. four daughter nuclei
c. two daughter nuclei d. only one daughter nuclei
22. Feeding in paramecium is mostly helped by
a. penniculus b. quadrulus
c. both equally d. none
23. Kidney shaped nucleus in paramecium is
a. macronucleus b. micronucleus
c. both are of same shape d. none
24. Paramecium sometimes become unhealthy sugglish and is likely to die . It is due to
a. repeated binary fission b. repeated conjucation
c. repeated endomixis d. repeated autogamy
25. cytophage or cytoproct in paramecium is actually
a. a temporay openning of plasma membrane
b. a permanent openning of plasma membrane
c. a special organ for egestion