Hemichordata, Chordata, Plasmodium, Paramecium, Earthworm and Frog Notes


Marine worm like animals called ‘acorn worms’.

Hemichordata and chordates have following similarities:

  • Pharngeal gill slits.
  • Embryonic invagination of dorsal nerve cord.

They lack notochord and post anal tail.

Circulatory system → open type. No respiratory pigment in blood.

Excretion by proboscis gland or glomerulus.

► Tornaria larva (indirect development with free swimming stage).

Nerve cord in hemichordate is ventral.

Eg: Balanoglossus, Rhabdopleura, Cephalodiscu.

Balanoglossus(Acorn worm/ Tongue Worm):

Distinct cranium is absent in adult.

Known as “Connecting link between Protochordates and Echinoderm”


A flexible but supporting skeletal rod, called notochord possessing, in the embryo or throughout the life.


  • Notochord in the tail of larva
  • Retrogressive metamorphosis (disappear in the adult stage)
Examples; Herdmania (sea squirts), salpa, dolium, pyrosoma (bioluminescent)


  • Notochord extends to the anterior (head)
  • Filter feeder
  • Examples; Amphioxus


  1. BODY TEMPERATURE; Cold temperature (P, A, R) Warm blooded (b, M,)
  2. CRANIAL NERVES; 10 PAIRS (P, A,) 12 PAIRS (R, B, M,)                                                                         
  3. KIDNEY; mesonephric (P, A,) METANEPHRIC (R, B, M,) 
  5. EGG; Clidoic (B, R) nond (P, A, M)
  6. Heart chamber; 2(p) 3(A, R) 4(B, M and crocodile)
  7. Development Embryo; oviparous (P, A, R, B) viviparous(m)
  8. Type of teeth; homodont (P, A, R) hererodont(m)
  9. Attachment of teeth; Acrodont (P, A, R) Thecodont(M)
  10. Condyle; Condylic (R, B) dicondylic (P, A, M)  


  1. PLACODERMA (primitive fish e.g. climatius)


  • Study of skates, rays and sharks is called torpedology
  • Swim bladder absent, endoskeleton cartilaginous
  • Cilla slits not covered with opercula except chimera
  • Ampulla of lorenzini present in snout of shark and is a thermoreceptor
  • Mermaid purse refers to egg capsule of shark and skates
  • Torpedo is electric ray; electric organ is modified muscles.
  • Exoskeleton formed of placoid scales
  • Scroll valve in intestine
  • Example: scoliodon (dog fish), torpedo (electric ray0, chimera (rat fish or the king of herrings)


  • Cills covered by bony operculum
  • Swim bladder present and scroll valve is absent
  • Exoskeleton and formed by cycloid or ctenoid
  • Lung fish; neoceratodus (Australian lungfish0
    • ; protopterus (African lungfish)
    • ; lepidosiren (American lungfish)
  • Coelacanth, latimera chalumnae is living fossils.
  • Lateral line organ found in osteichthyes
  • Heart of fish has all venous blood
    • Fish liver oil- vitamin D
    •   Cod liver oil- vitamin B12














Originated during Devonian period of Paleozoic era

Dominated during carboniferous period (age of amphibian)

Erythrocytes large, oval, biconvex, and nucleated

External fertilization (frog), internal fertilization(salamands)


  • APODA (limbless, e.g.; ichthyophis)
  • UROPODA (tail bearing e.g.; Ambystomia, salamanders, tympanum absent, can show neoteny)
  • ANURA (tail absent in adult)

Horned toad- Phrynosoma (not amphibian)

Hyla; tree frog

Rhacophorus- flying frog


  • Herpetology is the study of reptiles
  • Originated during carboniferous period of palaeozoic era.
  • Mesozoic era is called ‘’ GOLDEN AGE OF REPTILES’’ 
  • Seymouria is connecting link between amphibian and reptiles.
  • Heart is 4- chambered in crocodile, alligators and gaviallis.
  • Jacobson’s organ (roof of buccal cavity, smelling) well developed
  • Sphenodon has pineal or parietal or third age.
  • Lizard shows autotomy.
  • Saurology id the study of lizard.
  • Draco- flying dragon
  • Heloderma- cilia monster (only poisonous lizard)
  • Sea snake; myotoxin
  • Viper; haemotoxin
  • Colora and kraits; neurotoxic
  • Foramen of panizzae is an aperture in the heart of lizard and crocodile. It is located at the point where right and left aortae cross each other and are in contact.


  • Originated from saurapsid lizard
  • Ornithology (study of birds), oology (study of bird’s egg)
  • Nidology (study of bird’s nest)
  • Phenology (study of bird migration)
  • Archaeopteryx-connecting link between bird and reptiles
  • Uropygial or preen gland at tail base
  • Clavicles joined to form v-shaped furcular or wishbone
  • Sound box or syrinx produce sound
  • Urinary bladder absent
  • Pecten is found in all bird except kiwi
  • Pecten is comb- like structure found in eyes near blind spot
  • Female are oviparous with single left function ovary and oviduct
  • Dodo is recently extinct bird from Mauritius.


  • Mammals evolved from reptile from Triassic period of coenozoic era.
  • Body covered with hair, in whale fat layer blubber is present
  • Skin has sweat and sebaceous gland
  • Diaphragm separate thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity
  • Cervical vertebrae 7 except – (6- sea cow, two teethed sloth)

                                             (8- ant bear)

                                           (9-three toed sloth)

  1. Absence of cloaca (except in monotremes)
  2. Tectorial membrane in ear, corpus callosm in brain, Is present
  3. Mammalian embryo has parasitic mode of nutrition.
  4. RBC, biconcave, oval, non-nucleated except camel and liama
  • Protheria- ornithorhynchus (duck billed platypus)
  • Eutherian (spiny ant eater)
  • Metatheria- macropus(kangaroo), koala\

                  Locomotion of kangaroo is saltorial

  • Eutherian-

Protheria has one monotremata, metatheria also has one order marsupial and eutherian has 16-order

Most distinguishing feature of eutherian is presence of placenta

Most primitive placental mammal is shrew.

Some order


Rat, squirrel- rodentia

Rabbit- lagomorphal

Whale/ dolphin- cetaceae


Monkey / apes/ human- primates


Laveran----------------->discovered malarial parasite in RBCs of man

Ronald Ross-----------------> discovered oocyst stage on gut wall of female Anopheles mosquito.

Grassi----------------->described digenetic life cycle of plasmodium

  • P. falciparum----------------->Maurer’s dots
  • P. malariae----------------->Ziemann’s dots
  • P. vivax----------------->Schuffer’s dots
  • P. ovale----------------->Jame’s dots
  • {@ FMVO----------------->MaZaSe Jiyo}

Fever occurs after 72 hours in malariae and after 48 hours in other plasmodium.

Quartan malaria occurs in P. malariae and malignant malaria in P. falciparum.

Incubation period of P. falciparum is 12 days, P. malariae is 28 days and other two is 14 days.

  • Primary host----------------->Female anopheles mosquito
  • Secondary host----------------->Man
  • {Medically it is opposite}

Spopozoite----------------->Cryptozoite----------------->Cryptomerozoite----------------->Schizonts----------------->Metacryptozoites----------------->Micro and macro metacryptozoite

Macro enters new liver cell

Micro metacryptozoite----------------->enters RBC----------------->Tropozoite stage----------------->Signet ring stage----------------->Amoeboid----------------->Rosette(Schizont) ----------------->Merozoite----------------->Gametocyte

Rupture RBC and schizonts are called ghost cells destroyed by the spleen.

Store house of malaria parasite in human’s body is spleen also called grave yard of RBC.

  • 20th august----------------->Mosquito day
  • 25th april----------------->Malaria day

Quinine extracted from cinchona tree used to cure malaria.


Slipper animalcule

Coined by John Hill

P. caudatum is most common paramecium and P. bursalaria is green colour due to presence of zoochlorella algae.

Cilia longer in posterior region called caudal taft.

Trichocysts are organs of attachment, earlier considered as organs of offence and defence.

Paramecium is a filter-feeder.

Mega-nucleus is large kidney/bean shaped which divide by amitosis and control metabolic activity.Colour pigment is trophochromatin and is one in number.

Micro-nucleus is small round shaped which divide by meiotic and mitotic division and control reproductive activity. Colour pigment is iodochromatin and number is variable. 1 in P. caudatum and 2 in P. Aurelia.

Kappa particle containing Paramecium produce ‘Paramecin’ responsible for killing.

Posterior contractile vacuole works faster than anterior one.

During conjugation, conjoints come in contact ventrally and 8 daughter paramecium are forme, 4 from each conjugant.

Autogamy is self fertilization occurring in Paramecium Aurelia and 2 daughter paramecia are formed.

Cytogamy----------------->No exchange of genetic material. Occur in P. caudatum and 4 daughter paramecia are formed.

Endomixis(Parthenogenesis) ----------------->Occurs in P. Aurelia and 4 daughter paramecia are formed.

Hemixis(Purification)----------------->Macronucleus break and then unite.

Binary fission in Paramecium is transverse but oblique binary fission present in Euglena.

Reserve food material of Euglena is paremylon bdy.

Gambusia affinis feeds on larvae and pupa of mosquito, which is mosquito fish.

Food vacuole of amoeba is analogous to alimentary canal of an animal or gastrointestinal cavity of hydra.


Pheretima posthuma



Bilaterally segmented, metamerically segmented (100 to 200 segments)


Each body segment called Metamere or Somite

  • External by annuli(except clitellum)
  • Internal by septa(except 1st four and between 9 and 10)

Dorsal part of body dark and ventral part dark.

Pigmentation due to porphyrin.----------------->from chlorophyll of decaying plant----------------->Circular muscle----------------->Protect from harmful light


  • 14, 15, 16 th segment
  • Form cocoon, mucus, Albumin
  • Also called cingulum

Phaosome----------------->Photoreceptor----------------->in prostomium(Phaosome is lens)

Peristomium----------------->Mouth bearing 1st segment

Pygidium----------------->Anus bearing last segment

Prostomium----------------->Muscle fold in 1st segment


  • Setae found in all segment except 1st, last and clitellar.
  • 80-100/120 setae are present in each segment.
  • Seta made upof Chitin so doesnot dissolve in KOH.
  • Also made upof Scleroprotein and protect from water.
  • Arrangement  setae is perichaetine(Ring).
  • Seta is embedded in setal sac or setigerous sac
  • Seta controlled by protractor(extension) and retractor(withdrawl)
  • Protostome and schizocoelus

Dorsal pore secrete coelomic fluid. It is present after 12 or 13 to last segment.

Chloragogen cell

  • Analogous to liver of vertebrates
  • Star-shaped, nucleated
  • Store reserve food (nutritive)
  • Deamination of protein and formation ofurea (excretory)

Coelomic fluid also helps in locomotion working as hydraulic skeleton.


Buccal receptors

  • Gustatory(taste)
  • Olfactory(Smell)

Epidermal receptor----------------->Ventral side----------------->thigmoreceptor

Dorsal receptor----------------->Photoreceptor

  • Absent in 14, 15, 16
  • Reduces gradually on posterior side


80-100 pair3 pair200 to 250 pair
Nephrostome presentPeptonephricForest of nephridia
Terminal duct open into septal excretory duct and then to supra-intestinal duct6th open into buccal cavity and 4th and 5th open into pharynxIntegumentary nephridia finally pour waste into nephridiophore
Present from posterior side of 15th segmentPresent in 4th, 5th and 6th segmentPresent from 7th to 2nd last segment
Typical nephridia, Open typeClose typeClose type

Excretion of Earthworm



Other(5%)---------------->Creatine, Amino-acid

So, Earthwom is urecotelic.

Septal and pharyngeal nephridia conserve water.

Silicates consumed with food are excreted by Chloragogen cell.

Integumentary nephridia are V-shaped.

Nervous system

Central nervous system

 Nerves arising fromSupplied to
Cerebral ganglia8-10 pairProstomium(1) and buccal cavity(7)
Circumpharyngeal ganglia2-3 pairPeristomium and buccal cavity
Fused sub-pharyngeal ganglia3 pair2nd , 3rd and 4th
Ventral nerve cord3 pairSkin, alimentary canal. Visceral organ

Nerve ring present in 3rd and 4th segment and surround pharynx.

Segmental ganglion is present in ventral nerve cord after 4th .

Nerve cord is ventral and solid.

Nerve cord surrounded by epineurium and then by Perineurium.

Giant fibers are responsible for rapid impulse conduction.

Cerebral ganglia---------------->Neurohormone

  • Regeneration of clitellum
  • Maturation of clitellum
  • Formation of cocoon

Tactile hair on ventral side receive thigmo stimuli.

Reproductive system


  • Cross---------------->due to protandrous
  • Reciprocal---------------->due to mutual transfer of sperm
  • External---------------->due to occurance in cocoon

Cocoon formed by glandular clitellum. One embryo develop directly to form new earthworm.

In Pheretima, divericulum store sperm and ammpulla provide nourishment but opposite in case of other earthworms.

Monocysts present in seminal vesicle show anti-peristalsis to bring out sperm into testes sac.

Spermathecal pore5/6,6/7,7/8,8/9(/ represents between)
Seminal vesicle11,12
Spermiducal funnel10,11
Testes sac (Enclose 1 pair of seminal vesicle) Seminal vesicle contain fructose.10,11
Male genital papillae(Hold during ccopulation)18
Oviduct13 and 14
Female genital aperture14
Accessory gland (attach during copulation)17 and 19
Prostate gland (dirty gland)16/17 to 20/21

Alimentary canal

Buccal cavity(Protrusible)

Pharynx ---------------->Muscular and glandular---------------->Suctorial---------------->3rd and 4th

  • Chromophil cell---------------->Saliva=Mucus+Proteases
  • Dorsal chamber---------------->Ciliated and Glandular
  • Ventral---------------->Conductory chamber
  • Effective organ for digestion.

Oesophagus---------------->Goblet cell=Mucus---------------->5h and 7th segment

Gizzard---------------->Grinding machine, Hard part---------------->8th segment

Stomach---------------->9th to 14th segment

Calciferous gland---------------->Neutralize acidity of soil.

CO2 removal in the form of calcide

 Circulatory system

Closed type

RBC absent but red colour because haemoglobin dissolve in blood plasma.

Colourless corpuscles---------------->similar to vertebrates

Respiratory pigment---------------->Haemoglobin

Blood glands---------------->3 pairs(4,5,6) ---------------->produce blood cell and haemoglobin

Lymph glands---------------->26 to last (1 pair each) ---------------->produce phagocytic corpuscles

Longitudinal blood vessel

  1. Dorsal blood vessel(only valvular and blood move from backward to foreward) ---------------->1st to last segment
  2. Ventral blood vessel---------------->1st to last segment
  3. Lateral oesophageal blood vessel(only paired) ---------------->1st to 13th segment
  4. Sub-neural blood vessel---------------->14th to last segment
  5. Supra-oesophageal blood vessel(smallest) ---------------->9th to 13th segment

Transverse blood vessel


  • Lateral---------------->4 pair valve---------------->join dorsal to ventral blood vessel---------------->7th and 9th segment
  • Lateral oesophageal---------------->3 pair valve---------------->join dorsal and supra-oesophageal to ventral blood vessel---------------->12th and 13th segment

Dorsal blood vessel

  • 1st to 13th segment ---------------->distributing
  • 14th to last segment---------------->collecting

Ventral blood vessel---------------->Distributing, non-oxygenated

ventrointestinalis transport blood to intestine

Dorsointestinals collect from intestine.

Commissural collect from subneural.


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