1. Plasmodium belongs to class
a. sporozoa b. sarcodina
c. mastigophora d.ciliata
a. telosporea b. sarcodina
c. mastigophora d. ciliata
2. Plasmodium is
a. extracellular malarial parasite b. intracellular blood parasite
c. extracellualr blood parasite d. intercellular blood parasite
a.Extracellular malarial parasite b. intracellular parasite
c. malarial parasite d. both b and c
3.Malaria is transmitted by
a. plasmodium b. female anopheles
c. female culex d. male anopheles
4. The secondary host of plamodium is
a. male culex b. male anopheles
c. female anopheles d. female culex
5. Infective stage of plasmodium( for man) is
a. sporozoite b. schozont
c. trophpzoite d. gametocyte
6. Infective stage of plasmodium for mosquito is
a. sporozoite b. schizoint
c. trophozoite d. gametocyte
7. Schizogamy of plasmodium occurs in
a. stomach of mosquito b. blood of man
c. water d. salivary gland of mosquito
8. schizoit stage of plasmodium vivax in man occurs in
a. rbc cell of man b. rbc and liver of man
c. liver cell of man d. rbc cell liver cell and spleen of human
9. Trophozoite stage of plasmodium vivax in human occurs in
a. rbc cell of human b. liver cell of human
c. both rbc and liver cell of human d. only in spleen
10. Sporogony in the life cycle of plamodium occurs in
a. rbc of human b. liver cell of human
c. salivary gland of mosquito d. stomach wall of mosquito
11. Ex flagellation in life cycle of plasmodium is related with
a. formation of male gamate b. formation of female gamate
c. formation of male gameocyte d. formation of macrogametocyte
12. Fertilization of male and female gamate of plasmodium species occurs in
a.stomach of human b. stomach wall of mosquito
c. liver of human d. stomach of mosquito
13. Which of the following begins erythrocytic schozogamy?
a. meta cryptomerozoite b. cryptomerozoite
c. micro metacryptomerozoite d. sporozoite
14. Resultant cell of schozogamy cycle of plasmodium is
a. merozoite b. cryptomerozoite
c. metacryptomerozoite d. sporozoite
15. Which stage of malarial parasite escapes digestion inside stomach of mosquito?
a. gametocyte b. trophozoite
c. merozoite d. sporozoite
16. Malarial parasite is charaterizied by the release of
a. cryptomerozoite b. merozoite
c. schozont c. trophozoite
a. cryptomerozoite b. schozont
c. haemozoin d. kappa particles
17. longest incubation peroid is found in which species of plasmodium?
a. vivax b. falciparium
c. malariae d. ovale
17. Malignant tertain malariae is caused by
a. P.malariae b. P. falciparium
c. P.ovale d. P. vivax
18. Most dangerous or cerebral malaria is caused by
a. P.ovale b. P.vivax
c. P.malaria d. P.falciparium
19. Schuffners dot is found in which species of plasmodium and in which cell?
a. vivax and liver cell b. falciparium and liver cell
c. vivax and rbc d. vivax and liver cell
20. During the life cycle of plasmodium the trophozoite stage represent
a. feeding stage b. reproductive stage
c. quiscent stage d. spore stage
21. Which of the following under goes multiple fission to give sporozoite ?
a. trophozoite b. zygote
c. ookinete d. sporoblast
a. oocyst b. zygote
c. ookinete d. sporoblast
22. Incubation peroid in P. vivax is
a. 48 hrs b. 72 hrs
c. 240 hrs d. 120 hrs
23. Just after a blood meal a female anopheles will have in its stomach
a. only wbc b. wbc and rbc
c. only rbc d. coagulated blood
a. rbc and gametocyte b. only wbc
c. rbc and wbc d. coagulated blood
24. Which two species of malaria is responsible for relaspe of malaria?
a. P. falciparium and P. vivax b. P. vivax and P. ovale
c. P. falciparium and P. ovale d. none
25. A person suffering from malaria runs fever when
a. exo erythrocytic cycle is completed
b. signet ring stage is formed
c. RBc's rupture and haemozoin granules are released
d. all of the above
26. Quinine that is used for the treatment of malaria is extracted from
a. bark of cinnamin b. bark of cinchona
c. leaves of ocimum d. stem of heves
27. Store house of malarial parasite in human body is
a. liver b. blood
c. spleen d. brain
28. Malarial parasite can be best obtained from the patient
a. five hours after temperature becomes normal
b. when temperature rises with vigour
c. one hour before rise of temperature
29. The correct sequence of event of sporogony is
a. zygote ookinete oocyst sporozoite b. zygote oocyst ookinete sporozoite
c.zygote sporozoite ookinete oocyst d. ookinete sporozoite ookinete zygote
30. Which of the following pierces the stomach wall and becomes encysted on the peritrophic membrane of stomach in plasmodium life cycle?
a. zygote b. oocyst
c. ookinete d. merozoite