Prokaryotic cell
Eukaryotic (plant cell and animal cell)
Discovered by Robert Hooke from Phellen of Cork described in book Micrographia
First living cell seen by AV Leewenhoek(called father of microscopy)
Coined by Hertwig
Father of cytology Robert Hooke
Modern father Swanson (father of cell biology)
Termed by Muller
Animal cell
- Longest----------------->Nerve cell
- Largest-----------------> Ostrich cell
Plant cell
- Longest----------------->Ramie fibres
- Largest-----------------> Acetabularia(umbrella shaped)
Cell theory
Omnis cellula e cellulae(cell lineage theory) + old cell theory by Schwann and Schleidon
Cell wall
Discovered by Robert Hooke and called it diaphragm
Middle lamella is formed of Ca and Mg pectate.
Primary cell ----------------->Elastic, hemicelluloses
Secondary cell wall----------------->Inelastic due to lignin
Cell minus cell wall
Termed by Hanstein
Cell membrane
Outermost in animal cell and inside cell wall in plant cell
Discovered by Schwann
Termed by Nageli and Cramer
Termed as plasma membrane by Pfelffer
Termed as plasma lemma by Seifriz
Termed as cytoplasmic membrane by Singer and Nicholson
Models of cell membrane
- Unit membrane model----------------->Robertson
- Lipid model----------------->Overton
- Sandwitch model----------------->Danellie and Davson
- Fluid mosaic model----------------->Singer and Nicolson
Cell wall impermeable in Cork cell and Casperian stripe(due to deposition of suberin).
Cell membrane modification
- Mesosome----------------->Bacteria----------------->Help in respiration
- Lomasomes----------------->Fungi
- Lamellosome----------------->BGA
- Microvilli----------------->Intestine of animals
= Cytoplasm + Nucleus
Termed by Purkinje
Observed by Alfosno de Corti
Termed as Sarcode by Dujardin
Huxley described protoplasm as physical basis of life.
Deutoplasm----------------->Non-living component
Cytoplasm minus cytoplasmic structure = Hyaloplasm
- Largest Cell component ----------------->Nucleus
- Largest cell organelle----------------->Plastid
- Largest cell organelle in animal----------------->Mitochondria
- Smallest cell organelle----------------->Ribosome, Perixosome
- Smallest cell component----------------->Microtubules
- Largest microbody----------------->Glyoxisome
- Organelle of plant cell ----------------->Plastid, Glyoxisome
No membrane bound structure----------------->Microtubules, filaments, centrosome, ribosome, cilia and flagella
Triple membrane bound----------------->Transosome
Kitchen of cell.
Discovered and termed by Haeckel
Types----------------->Leucoplast, Chromoplast, Chloroplast
Chromoplast contain Anthocyanin/Anthoxanthin----------------->Give water soluble plant colour
Chloroplast shapes
- Spiral----------------->Spirogyra
- Girdle----------------->Ulothrix
- Star----------------->Zygnema
- Cup----------------->Chlamydomonas
- Reticulate----------------->Oedognima
In plastid there are two sites of reaction-----------------> Stroma(dark rxn site) and Grane(light rxn site)
Quantasomes combine----------------->Thylakoid----------------->stacked to form Grana
Thylakoid named by Menke.
Thylakoid if not staked called Chromatophores or Lamellar chloroplast.
Power house of cell.
Absent in sieve tube, cancerous cell, mature RBC except camel and Llama
Yellowish colour of mitochondria due to riboflavin rich in Mn
Spermatids have mitochondria without cristae.
Cristae are finger like projections in mitochondria.
Cristae have elementary particles or oxysomes or Fernandez’s Morgan particle or Electron transport system.
About 70% of enzymes of cell found in mitochondria.
Together mitochondria of cell are called Chondriosome.
Oxysome has three parts----------------->Head(F1) has ATPase, Tail(F0) has proton channels of oxysome
Benda coined the term Mitochondrion.
Endoplasmic reticulum
Termed by Porter and Kallam
Three parts----------------->Cisternae,Tubules, Vesicles
Cisternae----------------->Unbranched, protein synthesis
Tubules----------------->branched, transport material inside cell
Vesicles----------------->Spherical, store synthesic materials
Isolated, fragmented to form microsomes.
Membrane factory of cell
Myeloid bodies----------------->Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Nissl’s granules----------------->Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi bodies
Traffic police of cell
Termed by Camilo Golgi
Discovered in Purkinje cells of cerebral cortex of bard owl
Dictyosome----------------->called in plants
@BaD Middle man to DIG
- B----------------->Baker’s body
- D----------------->Dictyosome
- D----------------->Dalton complex
- I----------------->Idiosome
- G----------------->golgi body
Cis or forming face towards membrane, outer and convex
Trans or maturing face towards nucleus, concave and inner
Acrosome or head of sperm and yolk derived from Golgi bodies
Form zymogen granules.
Three parts----------------->Tubules, vesicles, vacuoles
Tubules form complicated network between trans face and peripherals
Vesicles contain secretory substance
Vacuole function as lysosome
Termed by Robert
Termed by Claude as microsomes
Discovered by Palate
Protein factory/ engine of cell
Found in all cell except (RBC and sperm cell)
Types of RNA
- rRNA-----------------> most abundant(80%)
- mRNA-----------------> mol. Wt. highest, least abundant(5 to 10%)
- tRNA----------------->smallest RNA, 10-15%
Types of r RNA
- 80S----------------->60S + 40S
- 70S----------------->50S + 30S
Suicidal bag
Discovered by de Duve from rat liver cell
types----------------->Primary, Secondary and residual bodies
Sphaerosome----------------->Also called plant lysosome(Oleosome) ----------------->discovered by Perner----------------->termed by Dangeard
----------------->Peroxisome, Glyoxysome
Peroxisome discovered by Rhodin from kidney cell
In plants, Tolbert and Yamazaki-----------------> discovered from germinating seed
beta oxidation occur in animal in peoxisome
Termed by Beaufaytt and Berther
Glyoxysome----------------->Largest microbody found only in plant cell----------------->beta oxidation occur in plants in glyoxisome
In fungi.
Discovered by Moore and Mc Allister
Help in cell elongation
Found in ovary follicle cells of birds
Helps in yolk formation or vitellogenesis
Discovered by Robertis and Franchi in nerve fibre
Has tubulin protein
Named by Slautterback
Basis structure of spindle apparatus, centrioles, chromosome factor
Protein filament made upof actin
In animals except amoeba
Plants except red algae, gymno and angiosperms)
Centriole responsible for microtubules organization and spindle formation during cell division
Basal granules/Blepharoplast is kinetic center of flagella lying in protoplasm
Prokaryotic flagella (flagellin protein), eukaryoticflagella (microtubules).
living semipermeable tonoplast
Food vacuole----------------->protozoans----------------->food material associated
Gas vacuole----------------->prokaryotes (gaseous exchange)
Contractile vacuole----------------->asmoregulation in protozoans
Sap vacuole----------------->higher plants----------------->turgidity
Robert brown from orchid root (discovered)
Director of cell (hammering) from grafting experiment on Acetabularia
Absent in sieve tube and mature mammalian RBC (except Camel and Llama)
Nuclear envelope(Karyotheca) ----------------->discovered Hertwig
Nucleoplasm-----------------> no cyclosis ----------------->rich in histone protein
Nucleolus-----------------> discovered by Fontana(named by Bowman) ----------------->Ribosome factory in eukaryotes
Chromatin fibre/ nuclear reticulum-----------------> discovered by Waldeyer
On the basis of stain----------------->Heterochromatin, Euchromatin
Heterochromatin----------------->thick, no active gene, inhibit crossing over
Euchromatin----------------->thin, active gene, take part in crossing over
Discovered by Strasburger
Coined by Waldeyer
Chromonemata----------------->2 chromatids
Chromosome with secondary constriction called SAT.
Cell inclusions
Non- living component of cell
Lipids, protein, fat