Developmental Biology, Application and Biotechnology Notes


stomium- Weak part of pollengrain from where pollentube develops.

                             → Nourishment

                             → Produce enzyme( callase), hormones

                             → Ubish granulefrom exine (Sporopollenin)

                             → Secret pollenkitt

                   Integument→ Gynoecium Unitegmic

Sporopollenin→ Hardest substance in plant.

Double fertilization

  • → Discovered by Nawaschin in Lilium & Fritilaria
  • → Syngamy+ Triple Fertilization

Study of pollengrain is palynology.

Pollengrain has 2 layered water.

Outer exine→ composed chiefly of sporopollenin.

Inner intine→ pectocellulosic in nature.

Generative cell gives 2 male gametes while vegetative cell forms pollen tube.

Orthotropous- Micropyle, funicle and chalaza in straight line.

Anatropous- Funicle and  micropyle lie side by side.

Hemianatropous- Integuments and nucellus are at right angle to funicle.

Campylotropous ovule- Curved ( Horse shoe shaped)

Endothelium→ Nutritive formed by dissolution of innermost layer of integument.

Obturator→ Ovular structure, direct pollentube to micropyle.

Caruncle→ Develop from outer integument of ovule.

Perisperm→ Remanant of nucellus.

Aril→ Develop from funicle of ovule.

Herkogamy→ Prevent self pollination when reproduction part themselves behave as physical/ mechanical barren

Anemophily→ Graminae and Gymnosperm, Versatile anther, typical cross pollination in maize.

Entomophily→ Pollination in Yucca by Pronuba yuccasella ( Obligate symbiotic relation)

Epihydrophily→ Vallisneria

Hypohydrophily→ Zostera, Naja, Ceratophyllum (@ZNC)

Ornithophily→ Bird- Bombax, Bottle brush, Bigonia, Butea monosperma

Zoophily→ Rafflesia (by elephant)[ Carrion fly]

Ophiophily/ Serpentophily→ Arisaema( Snake plant or Cobra plant)

Malacophily→ Lemna, Colocasia

Chireptophily→ Sausage tree( Kigelia), Anthocephalus

Germination of pollengrain supported by Ba, Ca++

Porogamy→ Micrpyle

Basigamy→ Chalazae eg: Casuarina

Mesogamy→ Tntegument/ Funicle eg: Cucurbita

Angiosperm has triploid endosperm (formed after fertilization) and gymnosperm (formed before fertilization)

Nuclear endosperm→ Most common type of endosperm

Coconut milk→ Liquid endosperm rich in cytokinin

Maize→ Zeatin (Cytokinin)


                   → Gymnosperm (common)

                   → Discovered by Leewenhoek in Citrus

Parthenocarpy→ Fruit from unfertilized ovary.

Natural parthenocarpy in banana, grapes, pineapple.

Parthenogenesis→ Embryo from unfertilized egg.

Caruncle→ Castor

                → proliferation of outer integument

• Dicot plant one cotyledon→ Cuscuta, Monotrapa

• Dicot plant with unequal cotyledon→ Trapa

• Dicot plant with several cotyledon→ Loranthus

• Single shield shaped cotyledon of monocot→ Scutellum

• Tigellum→ Main axis of embryo

• Plumule of maize covered by coleoptiles and radical by Coleorhiza.

• Aleurone layer→ Triploid, proteinous layer present in maize (peripheral part of endosperm)

Floral Formula:




Ray Floret

     Disc Floret





Growth curve------------>’S’ shaped sigmoid curve

Phases of growh

  • Lag phage------------>Initiating phase, Show cell division
  • Deaccelerating phase------------>Decrease in growth rate
  • Stationary phase------------>Constant growth
  • Log phase------------>Maximum growth, fast cell division

Plant hormone

Termed hormone by Starling.

Growth hormone

  • Growth inhibitors {Ethylene, Abscissic acid(ABA)}
  • Growth promote {Auxin, Gibberellins, Cytokinin}
Apical dominanceAuxinCytokinin
Dormancy of seedAbscissic acid, AuxinGibberelin, Cytokinin
Senescence or AgeingEthyleneCytokinin
ParthenocarpyAuxin, Gibberelin 
Abscission of plantEthylene, Abscissic acidAuxin

Main function of Cytokinin is to mobilize solute to different parts of plant and check senescence.

Flowering in short day plant is by cytokinin.

Rooting hormone------------>IAA

Fusarium moniliforme is the fungus from which Gibberelin was extracted by Yabuta and Suniki.

Food mobilization in germinating seed is by gibberelin.

Cytokinin synthesis is maximum in roots and if concentration of auxin is high and cytokinin is low root initiation occur.

Clinostat is used to study geotropism.

Stomata closure induced by abscission acid and gibberellins includes male flowers in place of female flowers and auxin make male flower into female flower.

Hapto or Thigmo------------> Response to touch

Nyctinasty or sleep movement------------>Night sensitive


Nastic movement------------>Epinastic(More on adaxial surface) and Hyponastic(More on abaxial surface)


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