1. A light microscope has a magnification of about
A) 2000 times
B) 1500 times
C) 1000 times
D)500 times
2. The study of fossils are called
A) taxonomy
B) physiology
C) anatomy
D) paleontology
3. X-ray crystallography is used to study
A) arrangement of proteins
B) three dimensional structure of proteins
C) composition of proteins and carbohydrates
D) structure of lipids
4. The process by which all organelles are separated from cell
A) electrophoresis
B) cytochemistry
C) radiobiology
D) fractionation
5. Which microscope would you use to examine a culture of living
cells ?
A) scanning electron microscope
B) tr
Ansmission electron microscope
C) phase contrast microscope
D) polarization microscope
6. Electron microscope was invented by
A) Knoll and Ruska
B) Robert Hooke
C) j
D) Knoll and Hooke
7. Electron microscope works on the principle of
A) particle nature of electron
B) wave nature of electron
C) both
D) none
8. The quantitative analysis of a substance can be made with the
help of
A) X-ray crystallography
B) spectrophotometry
C) autoradiography
D) calorimetry
9. Mitochondria was discovered with the help of
A) compound microscope
B) electron microscope
C) scanning electron microscope
D) autoradiography
10. Electron microscope has revealed the occurrence of
A) leucoplast
B) chloroplast
C) chromosomes
D) ribosomes
11. Dye used in feulgen's test for detection of DNA is
A) Janus green
B) Basic fuchsine
C) methylene blue
D) acetocarmine
12. To study the physiological function of a cell organelle, the
method used is
A) autoradiography
B) Fractionation
C) electron microscopy
D ) none of these
13. Pure fractions of cellular components can be obtained by :
A) X ray diffraction
B) Chromatography
C) differential centrifugation
D) microspectrophotometry
14. A student wants to study metaphasic behaviour of
chromosomes. The technique most suitable is
A) phase contrast microscope
B) X-ray microscope
C) cell fractionation
D) scanning electron microscope
15. A living cell can be studied by me Ans of A) Dark field microscope B) electron microscope C) phase contrast microscope D) compound microscope Ans------>c 16. To determine the ultra structure of a cell organelle, the
most likely method to be used would be : A) electron microscope B) microdissection C) autoradiography D) phase contrast microscopy Ans------>a 17. The technique used for seperating DNA fragments is : A) southern blotting B) Northern blotting C) western blotting D) eastern blotting Ans------>a 18. Iodine solution is used to test the presence of: A) carbohydrates B) proteins C) fats D) starch Ans------>d