Everything About Pest Diseases Disorder In Coffee 2021

 Pest, disease, and disorders in Coffee are the major problems in Coffee cultivation. Coffee plant is affected by different coffee diseases, and pests. In order to secure our yield, we need to protect our plants from various coffee plant diseases, coffee leaf rust, coffee wilt disease, coffee pests and coffee fungus. Here, we are going to discuss various problems related to Coffee farming and their control measures. Various pests and pesticides, diseases, and control methods and disorders are hereby discussed.


Causative agent (Fungus): Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

It causes three 3 types of disease.

Twig die-back

The disease can occur from Kartik to June. Inadequate shade, prolonged drought, dry soil, low temperatures, cold, and frost all contribute to the spread of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease:

The leaves turn yellow, burn, wither and dry out. Buds of infected branches tend to dry out without blooming. Sprouts and branches grow abundantly on the stem giving a bushy appearance. The leaves of the open branch are small and thick, short internode, and branch appear fan-shaped.


The diseased part should be cut and burnt, 0.5% Bordeaux mixture should be sprayed in Jestha and Ashad.

Necessary shade and fertilization should be provided and mulching is important to preserve moisture around the plant.

Stalk rot

Low temperatures, high humidity, frostbite, rain-frost-soaked plant surface, and high soil moisture contributes to the disease.

Symptoms of the disease:

From the place where the leaves and fruits meet the branch, the brown spot grows that progresses towards the tip where fruits and leaves are hanging. The fruit turns black and falls, but the pedicel can remain on the branch. The fruits that remain in the tree are also seen to be ripe in September / October. Such fruits are light and green coffee bean is absent inside.


Spray 0.5% Bordo-mixture wetting fruit, branch, and pedicel of the leaf before the beginning of rainfall in Jestha-Ashad.

Brown Blight

In hot weather, the leaves get scars due to extreme heat of the sun or other reasons and the disease bacteria enter from these scars.

Symptoms of the disease:

The spots and scars of these diseases meet and the leaves appear to be burnt.


Provide good shade and 0.5% Bordeaux mixture should be sprayed once in Falgun, Jestha, and Ashwin.

2.Root rot

4 types: Brown root disease, Redroot disease, Blackroot disease, and Santavery root disease.


The leaves of this diseased plant turn yellow, fall off and the upper part of the ground dies. The stem near the ground surface is soft and wet. A hard layer of mould is formed in the root on which small stones are seen sticking. Depending on the type of disease, black or red or black or pink fungus appears on the hard surface when the bark of the underground roots is scratched. Fine roots are dead and easily broken.


The diseased plant should be uprooted and burnt.

Put 1-2 kg of lime in pit remaining from uprooting of the diseased plant but do not plant for another 6 months.

A 60cm deep and 30cm wide drain should be made around the infected area, soil should be piled up towards the diseased plant and other healthy plants should be separated through the drain.

Use compost manure 10-15 kg before planting seedlings in the pit.

The use of treated manure (3 kg/plant) in Trichoderma helps in reducing the incidence of the disease.

3.Berry blotch

berry blotch

Coffee orchards that do not have good shade can get stained due to the harsh sun of Bhadra.


The brown stain dries and sticks to the parchment.

The stain is covered with a pink-yellow circle. The fruit feels ripe.


Shade should be arranged and 1 percent Bordeaux mixture should be sprayed in Ashwin.

4.Leaf rust

Causative agent(Fungus): Hemileia vastatrix

From Jestha to Kartik, sun, water and humidity create a favorable environment for the spread of disease. Although it lasts all year round, it is most prevalent from Bhadra to Kartik. The agent can be transmitted to healthy plants through air, water, insects, livestock and humans. The respiratory process of the plant is obstructed, the leaves fall off and the yield decreases.


The lower surface of the leaf has an orange yellow granular spot and the upper surface has a brown spot. In the month of Mansir / Poush, the leaves fall off and the plant is often bare and the branches dry out from the top and die.


Before flowering, after pruning in Falgun and before rainfall in Jestha and after rainfall in Ashoj, 0.5% (1 kg Nilotutho: 1 kg lime (calcium oxide): 200 liters water solution) Bordeaux mixture is sprayed.

(Moku-Saku-Eki) A specially prepared smoky pesticide (5-6 ml/liter of water) is used to control many kinds of diseases (Bodh Raj, Syangja). This Japanese method is still under test.

5.Black rot

Frequent rainfall, high humidity (95–100%) and dense shade create a favorable environment for the spread of the disease.

Causative agent: Koleroga noxia donk


The bacteria of this disease attack the leaves, young shoots, flowers and young fruits and they fall after rotting.

Disease management method:

To prevent this disease, the diseased part should be cut and burnt.

Unnecessary twigs around the coffee plant and stems should be removed in Magh-Falgun.

To keep the trunk of the plant open, prune the shade trees before the onset of rains and keep only the branches that give proper shade (50%).

Before the onset of rains, 1% Bordeaux mixture (1 kg blue tutho and 1 kg lime mixed at the rate of 100 liters of water) should be sprayed once in Jestha and once in Bhadra on both sides of the leaves.

6. Pink disease

The main causes of this disease are more rain, more humidity in the air and thicker shade.

Causative agent: Corticium salmonicolor


The bark of the infected coffee plant is crack and a pink mould appears.

The diseased leaves fall off and the branches dry out.


To prevent this, the branches of shade trees should be thinned in Ashad and 1% Bordeaux mixture should be sprayed before and after the onset of rains.

The diseased part of the diseased branch should be scraped off with a knife and Borda paint or Chauvatia paint should be applied.

Nursery diseases in Coffee

a.Cercospora leaf spot

coffee leaf spot

The leaves of nursery plants exposed to the sun or without shade appear to have long brown eye-shaped spots. This type of spot can be seen even on the leaves of large plants that do not have shade. The diseased leaves gradually turn yellow and fall off.


The nursery should be covered with a canopy over the seedlings and a side or sack should be placed on the side to block the sun.

Immediate shade(Hutting) should be given to the newly planted seedlings.

Mulching should be placed around the base.

Sprinkle ash dust or ash water.

Spray Cow’s urine: water (1:8) 2.3 times a week for 3-4 weeks. For large coffee plants spray Cow’s urine: water(1:4).

b.Collar rot/ damping off

damping off

Causative agent: Rhizoctonia solani

It can be found in coffee beans up to three months old. Excessive moisture in the nursery soil, very small spacing and thick shade are the main causes of this disease. The hot and humid environment helps to spread the disease.


Seedling's foot rots with this fungal disease, the upper part dries out and dies.

Disease management method

Nursery soil should be dried in the sun for at least 15 days.

Raised beds of 15–20 cm.

Water should be given less.

The seedlings should be kept thin.

The hut should be made in such a way that the sun and the shade are equal.

Ash dust should be sprayed in the nursery.

The infected seedlings must be destroyed.



1.White stem borer

white stem borer

Causative agent: Larval stage of Xylotrechus quadripes


The bark around the stem or main branch appears to be cracked and raised.

Plants wither and dry out.

When you look at the trunk or the main branch, you will find tunnels from the invading part to the hard roots by filling with excreta.

Invaded plants are easily broken when pulled and are found eating when they are torn.

Older large plants produce for a few years after being attacked by borer and remain a source of them.


To make suitable arrangement of shade.

Detecting or uprooting plants attacked by borers and destroying insect by burning.

Smooth the rough bark of the stem or branch with a piece of sack or any other rough object.

Use any neem or lip balm.

After the last picking, the plant should be pruned and used jhol mol should be used.

To conduct community based white stem borer management campaign.

Place pheromone traps in areas where there are more problems.

2.Red borer

red borer in coffee
red borer

Causative agent: Larvae of Zeuzera Coffeae


Wilting is seen in the beginning stage and with the increase in infection branches dry completely.

Hollow tunnels are seen in the infected part. Stem break easily when pulling or by wind.

Pellets of excreta can be seen hanging out of the hollow pores.


Regular observation and tillage.

Regular pruning.

Infected branches and plants should be removed from the field and insect should be destroyed by burning.

3.Mealy Bug (Plamococcus citri)

mealy bug in coffee
mealy bug


Secrete honey dew that attract ants. Black spot or fungal growth can be seen on the place where mealy bug stayed.

Small insect covered in white can be seen sucking plant sap on the young parts of the plants. Young plants start wilting and dry out eventually.


Killing ants.

Provide adequate shade.

Regular observation and tillage.

Neem extract or other bio-extracts is found to be effective.

Removal of infected plant parts with insect.

4.Scale insect (Coccus viridis)

scale insect

Attack on near to veins of lower side of the leaves. Also attack on growing tips and young flowers.

Adult infective


Growth of plant cease and plant show abnormal appearance.

Attract ants and layer of black sooty mold is seen.


Clean cultivation

Neem extract

5.Coffee berry borer (Hypothemeanus coffeae)

coffee berry borer

After coffee begin hardening, female bug lay egg forming a tunnel. Many stages of insect complete inside berry in a year.


After picking the coffee fruit, the fruit should not be left on the plant or the ground.

When picking fruits, plastic should be spread at the base of the plant and fallen fruits should be collected separately.

Pick up fallen and non-seasonal fruits and destroy them by boiling them in water or 30 cm in the soil. It should be buried deep.

The shade should be arranged properly.

Water drainage should be well managed.

Insect infested fruit should not be taken to another area.

Verticillium lecani (1.15 WP per ml) should be mixed with 4.2 gm per liter of water and sprayed on coffee plants in Bhadra and repeated after 15 days.

6.Shot-hole borer (Xylosandrus compactus)

shot hole

coffee shothole

It forms a straight hole in internodes.

Twigs seen dry and wilt.


Insect infested branches should be cut and burnt just below the hole.

All water should be removed in time.

The shade should be thinned and water should be drained.

The Verticillium lecani(Mealykeel 1.5 WP) should be mixed with 4.2 gm per liter of water and sprayed on the coffee plant and repeated after 15 days.

7.Coffee bean beetle (Araecerus tasciculatus)

In the stored coffee bean, the female beetle makes a hole in the flower and larva that hatch out eats the coffee bean (green bean).


Storing coffee beans after proper drying prevent the outbreak of this pest.

8.Cockchafer beetle (Holotrichia spp.)


Adult feed on leaves and larva feed on roots.


When digging the garden and using compost manure, the larva found should be picked and killed.

Only well decomposed compost/manure should be used.

Deep tillage and allowed to dry in the sun.

9.Root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus coffeae)

It is very harmful to Arabica coffee, as it sucks juice from roots. It also hurts other crops. It eats all the fine secondary and tertiary roots and exposes the main roots. In the rainy season, new roots emerge near the soil surface of the infected plant. The plant is weak and can fall due to no support from roots in the soil. The plant appears diseased, the old leaves turn yellow and fall and the remaining small leaves in the growing points appear as clumps in the folded state. The fruit-bearing branches are thin. The young plants look unhealthy and thin.


In nursery,

plant marigold near the beds to attract nematodes.

Deep tillage and solarization

Donot transplant seedlings grown on infected soil

In main field,

Uproot the infected plant, dig 60cm around the roots and leave the pit exposed to Sun, donot allow growth of weeds in and near the pit

Plant marigold near the infected soil




Leaf holes and rough scar on covering of branches.

Abnormal growth of plant tip and branches.

Fruit developing stops and outer part becomes rough.


Regular cleaning of the orchard.

Collect and kill snails.

The use of Ash or Lime is beneficial to keep snails away.

Deficiency symptoms in coffee


At first, the old leaves turn yellow and later the whole leaves turn yellow and stop growing, there is a decrease in production.


Vegetation growth is low, buds do not form well, fruits are small, bark is rough and thick, fruit falls off before it ripes.


The fruit is small in size, the bark is smooth and thin, the fruit falls off and bursts.


At first, the leaves turn yellow but the leaf veins remain green. Later, burnt spots appear on the leaves


At first, the leaves turn yellow but the veins remain green. If there is too little, the whole leaf will look copper colored and the leaf will fall off at the end.


The veins in the new leaf are green but the middle part is yellow. (Inter-veinal chlorosis)


The new leaves and buds that emerge in the spring are completely yellow but the old leaves are still green.


Chlorophyll disappears at the edge of the new leaf. The branches are dying from the top down.


The fruit is small and the fruit breaks.

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