Mango Cultivars, Cultivation Practices and Requirements

Mango is known as the king of the Tropical fruit and it has a very sweet taste and flavor. The scientific name of the mango is Magnifera indica and it belongs to family Anacardiaceae. The Genus Mangifera consists of total 69 species yet but all of them are not bear edible fruit. The fruit type of mango is a drupe, which means hardy endocarp. The origin of mango starts from the indo-berma region, and due to its taste, smell, flavor it had been spread to all tropical and subtropical countries. In this world, India is the leading country in terms of mango production.
Environmental Requirements 

 1. Temperature: the optimum temperature of the mango is 24-27 degree Celcius. The ideal temperature for the flower induction is 10-15 degree Celcius, flowering and fruit maturation is 33 degree Celcius and for vegetative growth is 25-27 degree Celcius. Mango cant tolerate frost it will severely damage. Mango can be grown up to 1200 masl but in case of commercial production, the production of mango is not high above 600 masl. The pollen viability declines if the temperature goes higher than 35 degree Celcius and lower than 15 degree Celcius.

 2. Rainfall: even though mango is a drought-resistant plant, for the best production of the mango 750-2500 mm annual rainfall is required. Pattern rainfall affects mango production, during the growing period rainfall is most important. During the flowering stage, low rainfall is preferred, if heavy and continuous rainfall occurs, flowers are susceptible to anthracnose disease. 

 3. Soil: Soil must be deep, fertile, well-drained with any kind or types of soil. The optimum PH of soil for mango is 5.5 to 7.5. soil depth should be more than 2 m. 

 4. Light: light is very crucial for the mango. For high production, best quality mango full sunlight is required. The light helps in the photosynthesis, development of the best quality, color, flesh, flavor of mango. But the shading prevents or delays the flower bud formation, less fruit setting, more susceptibility to the disease. so pruning is very important to facilitate the light penetration in the canopy of the mango tree. 

 5. Photoperiod: photoperiod does not affect flower induction. Flowering occurs in all photoperiods from 10-14 Hrs at an inductive temperature of 18 degree Celcius day and 10 degree Celcius. In day-neutral plants flowering occurs in both season and offseason. 


 1. Dashehari: it is a mid-season cultivar with small to medium-size fruit. It has fiberless, yellow-colored flesh, medium size stone with a very sweet and aromatic flavor. Its fruit has an elongated shape with green or yellow-green skin in the mature stage and becomes golden-yellow when it ripe. It is an iregular fruit bearer but has good keeping quality. It is very susceptible to mango malformation. 
 2. Langra : it is also a mid-season cultivar with medium-size fruit. It is the spreading type of plant i.e. vigorous plant. The fruit has an ovate shape and lettuce green in color. Fruit quality is good with a good blend of sugar and acid but keeping quality is medium. It is a biennial bearer. Fruit dropping problem is very high in this cultivar. 

 3. Chausa : it is the late-season cultivar. trees are quite vigorous and show apical dominance. Fruit is ovate to oval oblique in shape and large in size. The color of fruit is golden yellow and fruit quality is good and keeping quality is medium but poor fruiting and unpredictable bearing occurs at a young age. It is a biennial bearer and has exceptionally sweet mango with a wonderful fragrance and deliciously soft, succulent flesh with minimum fibre. This mango is very susceptible to floral malformation.


 4. Bombay Green: it is also called Malda. It is a biennial bearer and has poor keeping quality. It is the earliest variety among the commercial types and has good taste and flavor with a good blend for mango nectar. Fruit is medium in size with ovate-oblong and spinach green fruit color. It is highly susceptible to both vegetative and flower malformation. 

 5. Alphonso: Alphonso is called the king of the mangoes. It has a very sweet taste with fibreless pulp. It is a mid-season variety available from April to has good sugar and acid blend capacity with excellent keeping quality. Fruits are medium in size about 250 gm, ovate oblique in shape, and orange-yellow in color. Very suitable for the export and also for table and canning. It has limited adaptability. The flesh has spongy tissue, it is the biennial bearer. 

 6. Fazli: fruit is very large with an obliquely oval shape and the fruit color is light chrome. It has inferior fruit quality but keeping quality is medium. It is the late-season variety with a biennial habit. 


 7. Neelam: it is the late-season variety and has precocious bearing capacity. It has good keeping quality as well as fruit quality. It is the ideal variety for transporting to distant places because it has high keeping quality. The fruit is ovate oblique in shape with saffron yellow in color and has medium-size fruit. It has a dwarf plant and it is a regular type. 

 8. Amrapali: it is the hybrid variety derived from female dashehari and male neelum. It is a late-maturing variety, regular bearing, and has dwarf height. This variety is suitable for high-density planting with a general spacing of 2.5 m x 2.5 m. it is precocious in bearing and prolific bearer. It has deep orange-red flesh with high vitamin A than its parent. Has 2.5 to 3 times more beta carotene than parents. It is a cluster in bearing and small-sized fruits and has a mango malformation problem. It has good fruit quality as well as keeping quality with good blending capacity. 


 9. Mallika: it is also a hybrid variety derived from female Neelam and male dashehari. It has very good keeping quality and suitable for the export. It is a late-season high-yielding, regular bearing variety with large size fruit i.e. 350-400 gm. It has oblong elliptical shape fruit and saffron yellow in color. It has a very thin stone with fibreless and firm pulp and tree in semi vigorous. 

 10. Ratna: it is the hybrid cross of neelum x Alphonso. The tree is a moderately vigorous, precocious bearer, and has medium-size fruit with attractive color. It is free from spongy tissue. 

 11. Sindhu: it is the hybrid cross of Ratna x Alphonso. It is a regular bearer with a very thin and small stone. Fruits are medium in size, fibreless, and spongy less pulp in high quantity than stone. 

 12. Arka Neelkiran : it is the hybrid cross of Alphonso x Neelum. It has medium-sized fruit with good pulp color, excellent skin, and spongy free pulp. It is a vigorous type tree. It is late season, regular bearing mango with attractive red blush. 

 Cultural Practices : 

1. Propagation : 

a. Sexual: sexual means propagation done through the seed. Mango seed has a two-part kernel and hard endocarp or seed coat. To achieve uniform germination kernel should be removed with the help of pruning shears from the hard endocarp or seed coat. During sowing, the concave part of the seed should face down and be buried 4-5 cm into sand or sandy mix. The sand allows the seed to easy extraction of seedling with little damage for the root when repotted. Mango seed should be planted in fresh because mango seed loses their viability in a few weeks. To make it suitable for sowing we have to remove the pulp from around the seed by fermentation or washing and dry in shade for a couple of days..seedling should be grown in around 30 % shade. b. Asexual: Asexually mango can be propagated vegetatively by cuttings, grafting, budding, or air layering. Air layering is not applied generally. Cutting can be successfully achieved by using hardwood or semi-hardwood or semi terminal cutting with adult leaves, cut surface should be treated with auxin. In a commercial scale, mostly practiced method of propagation is grafting, epicotyl or stone grafting, inarching, veneer grafting. The seedling can be grafted in 6-68 months if fertilized and irrigated properly.


 2. Planting: pit digging should be done at least 1 month prior to planting. Pit dig volume should be 0.75- 1 m3.transplanting should be done just before or early of wet season if no irrigation is available cause later in the wet season they will get water for their growth and development. If irrigation facility is available then transplanting should be done during spring season. transplanting should be done in balled and burlapped condition. planting distance depends upon its size, vegetive structure. For vigorous tree, spacing should be 8-10 m x 8-10 m but in high-density planting for the Amrapali spacing should be 2.5 m x 2.5 m. at the process of transplanting graft union must be above from the soil surface and if seedling needs support staking should be done. 
 3. Irrigation: the irrigation should be done immediately after the transplanting. The amount and interval of the irrigation is depend upon the soil type, soil moisture, rainfall etc. one important thing is that after each manure and fertilizer application we must apply irrigation. Young transplant should be irrigation in the interval of 4-5 days for about 2-3 months and for the remaining of 1st year we should irrigate in the interval of every 7-10 days. Also in 2nd year, irrigation is also done in the interval of 7-10 days during summer and 15 days during winter. For the fruit-giving tree in the tropics, we should keep dry for 3-4 months prior to flowering, to reducing the vegetative flush growth. in dry areas irrigation should be done after the inflorescence appears. During the 1st 4-6 weeks of fruit development, cell division is most rapid, so moisture stress should be avoided. Irrigation should be completely cut off from the fruit maturity stage because dry conditions increase the sugar content in the fruit. Heavy irrigation should be done immediately after the harvesting for the new vegetative growth. 


 4. Manure and Fertilization: manure and fertilizer is a very important factor for the growth and development of mango. The right fertilizer and manure give efficient tree growth, fruit yield, and fruit quality. There is no any standard recommendation for the mango tree. Fertilizers should apply according to the fertility status, age of a tree, soil PH etc. with increasing the age of tree we should increase the amount of the fertilizer. for matured, fruit-bearing tree fertilizers should apply twice a year. Ast is at the time is 1st inflorescence begins to appear and is immediately after the harvesting to encourage new vegetative flush. Placement of the fertilizer should be done in a proper way in ground application, the height feeder-root density is approximately 90-175 cm away from the trunk to the depth of 20 cm so we should apply fertilizer accordingly. And irrigation is very necessary after the fertilizer application. 


Ideal Mango : 
These characteristics should be meet for the perfect mango

1. Regular bearing 
2. Medium-sized 
3. Fibreless 
4. Firm pulp 
5. The blending of sugar and acid 
6. Pleasing aroma 
7. High keeping quality
 8. Small and thin stone 
9. Red blushes in cheeks 
10. Tolerant to disease 
11. High fruit quality

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