What is Environment Impact Assessment in 8 answers

 Environment and Development must go in unison. In the context where development is prioritized. Especially in a developing country like Nepal where we are thirsty for construction, protecting the environment is very difficult. I am very sure that no one is unaware of how important the environment is? So, a small procedure is added before the construction commences, clearing the EIA. That suggests consequences brought about by development actions.

What is EIA and its importance?

Environment Impact Assessment came as a tool to understand environmental impacts that a project can have, providing alternatives or mitigating measures and promoting sustainable development. It is a survey on the possible impacts or effects that a development project might cause after its completion or during the run. EIA actually, suggests a sustainable development considering the damage to nature. It helps in the identification and evaluation of project benefits and harms. Furthermore, this also suggests ways to possible problem-solving.

When did Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) come into force?

It has not been very long when people started being aware of protecting nature. Environment Impact Assessment is the result of “environmental movements of the 1960s”. The concept of EIA is said to have begun in the USA in 1970 after it formed the “National Environment Protection Act” in 1969. 

After America, voice for the environmental protection started to rise around the world. UN Earth Summit held in 1992 brought all countries together with the common objective of nature conservation. Nepal too has been a part of many international groups, treaties, conventions, and organizations working for environmental protection. As an environment protector member country, Nepal has brought different strategies and implemented laws for the protection and promotion of mother nature.


When was EIA started in Nepal?

In the case of Nepal, the concept of protecting the environment was included from the first five-year plan but there was nothing significant done until the Seventh Five year plan. Where Seventh Five-year Plan introduced environment conservation policies in Nepal. EIA Guidelines 1993 and EPR 1997 are the two most important documents regarding EIA in Nepal. Earlier days for EIA adoption were very difficult when EIA was prepared for loan and donor agencies as required. Slowly, government projects, hydro-projects, irrigation projects, and private projects had their EIA prepared and approved. But now EIAs have become very important and mandatory documents for almost all projects.

1st Five Year Plan (1980-1985)

first mentioned the need for EIA for major infrastructure projects.


“Environmental Impact Study Project” (EISP) under
the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation

1982 to 1988

EISP prepared draft
documents on environmental policy, environmental act, and guidelines and conducted EIA on several
ongoing infrastructure projects


EIA report prepared to find the likely environmental impacts of the activities proposed in the forestry Master Plan


The government/National Planning Commission (NPC) and IUCN developed and endorsed the National
Conservation Strategy (NCS)

during the interim period (1990-

EIA before the implementation of any major development project and programs

Eighth Plan period (1992-1997)

EIA should be conducted along with the feasibility study. National Environment Action Plans. EIA became mandatory.


National EIA Guidelines, IEE/EIA compulsory to the government sector


separate EIA Guidelines for Forestry and Industry Sector


Environment Protection Rules, IEE/EIA compulsory to the private sector as well


What are the components of EIA report?

Environment Protection Rules (1997)suggest which project requires EIA in Schedule 2. Scoping, Terms of Reference(TOR), public consent, Environment Management Plan,  the recommendation from the local level, and EIA report reviewed by experts are required to submit for EIA approval. EIA report should contain detailed information on environmental protection methods, plan implementation process, monitoring and evaluation, and environmental auditing. EIA is approved by the Ministry of Environment. The deadline for approval is 60-90 days after the submission to the main ministry.


What are the steps of environmental impact assessment?

Proponent finds a consultancy

Consultancy hires experts to prepare EIA report

EIA report is prepared by the experts with the following process

  • Project identification
  • Screening: A surface study on nature, size, location, and budget of the project to identify where the project requires EIA or not.
  • Scoping:
  • Impact Analysis
  • Mitigation and management findings
  • EIA report prepared and reviewed

EIA report is submitted to the main ministry

EIA report is cleared by MoE

Post-approval monitoring


What is included in an EIA?

Considering human activities causing pollution and resource depletion, EIA draws impacts on different aspects. Initially, EIA covered only natural impacts relating to air, water, flora, fauna, etc. But with time, it has included, heath, economic and social aspects as well. It gives impacts on

  • Health and Safety of Human
  • Biodiversity in flora and animals, habitats, and ecosystems;
  • Landscaping, soil, water, air, and climate
  • Land, natural resources, and raw materials utilization;
  • Scientific, historical, and culturally significant protected areas and designated places;
  • Cultural, recreational, and amenity resources; and
  • Those whose livelihoods, lifestyles, and well-being are impacted by a proposal.


What is the problem with EIA?

  • Hiring experts and consulting firms for the preparation of EIA reports is not in practice. Anyone is allowed to prepare report, so there is problem regarding quality.
  • Companies believe that once the EIA report is cleared, environment is safe. But the actual taking care of nature begins after the project commence. There is no proper inspection and follow up regarding where the project is according to the EIA report or not.
  • Getting an EIA cleareance process is very lengthy and problematic. This is where corruption find its way. How can the project promise no harm to nature when they are clearing EIAs with money?
  • No system for information storage and distribution


What is the criteria to do an impact identification and analysis?

EIA includes physio-biological, socio-economic, and cultural impacts involved with the project. Similarly, the impact can be direct, indirect, cumulative, of high severity or low, immediate or long term, etc. Identifying impact what EIA for, as it opens door to alternatives and identifying mitigating ways. It can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Ad hoc: Experts decide the impacts of their study area.
  • Checklist: Potential impacts are listed.
  • Matrix: Project activities and environmental characteristics are placed in rows and columns respectively and checked quantitatively whether that very project activity affects that specific environment component or not.
  • Network: flow chart with direct and indirect impacts


In the nutshell, EIA is a very handy tool to identify development impacts on the environment. It suggests problem-reducing ways and even alternatives available to bring sustainable development. If the barrier of limitations can be lifted, EIA will grow to be the most effective way to better environmental protection and achieving sustainable goals.


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