Nervous system - Entrance Preparation

Entrance preparation for Agriculture, Veterinary, Medical and Premedical. Nervous system is also important topic under zoology. The video below is very helpful to final hour preparation for entrance preparing students.

Video Notes





Cranial meninges (Out to in)


  • Duramater
  • Arachnoid
  • Piamater


CSF secreating folding or stretches called choroid plexuses and arachnoid villi helps in CSF absorption.




Communication between ventricles


  • Each lateral ventricle------------(Intraventricular foramen/foramen of monro)---------->3rd ventricle
  • 3rd ventricle-------------(cerebral aqueduct of sylvinus/aqueduct of sylvinus)------------->4th ventricle


CSF leave ventricle and enter subarachnoid apace through two lateral foramina of Luschka and median foramen of Magendie in fourth ventricle.


Piamater and Arachnoid mater are together called leptomeninges.


  • Sub Dural Space-(Arachnoid and Duramater)--------> filled with serous fluid
  • Sub Arachnoid Space-(Duramater and Piamater)--------> Filled with CSF



Grey matter- Outer


White matter- Inner




Mid brain--------> 4 lobes----------------> Corpora quadrigemina


Lession in broca’s area results in inability to produce words and speech(in Frontal lobe).


Olfactory lobe distinct in rabbit and attached to anterior end of cerebrum but indistinct in human.


Limbic system- the emotional brain


Amaygdala is considered as “Window of Limbic System”.




Receive and send sensory impulses.




Functions @SEAT2


Sex, Sleep


Emotion, Endocrine


Appetite, ANS


Thirst, Temperature


Hypothalamus joins pituitary gland by infundibulum.


Hemiplega--------> Half paralyzed--------->Opposite frontal lobe damaged.


Cerebral hemisphere(cerebral cortex) consistsof gyri(raised), sulsi(depression).


Hemisphere are connected by myelinated nerve called corpus callosum. Presence of corpus callosum is the exclusive character of mammal.


Corpora quadrigemina


-----> 4 swelling mammals


Mid-brain of Frog has two oval optic sacs.




Apneustic and pneumotaxic center in this area helps to control respiration.


4th ventricle lies between surface of pons and cerebellum.


Medulla Oblongata


Respiratory center, Cardiac center and vasomotor center.




Maintain body balance, muscle coordination.


Alcohol suppress cerebellum temporarily.


Peripheral nervous system


Cranial nerves


12 pairs of cranial nerves in mammals, 10 pairs of cranial nerves in fishes and amphibians. 


Vagus control heartbeat(parasympathetic)


Largest and thickest------------> Trigeminal(Dentist nerve)








Spinal Cord and nerves


Grey matter---------------> In


White matter--------------> Out


Butterfly or H-shaped(Spinal Cord).



Posterior horn or dorsal horn consists of sensory neurons whereas anterior horn or ventral horn consists of motor neurons.



Spinal nerves--------------------> 31 pairs(All mixed nerves)


Cervical--------------> 8 pair


Thorax--------------->12 pair


Lumbar---------------> 5 pair


Saccral---------------->5 pair


Coccygeal-------------> 1 pair



Frog has 10 pairs of spinal nerves and in Rana tigrina it is 9 pairs.(37 pairs in rabbit).


Accessory and Hypoglossal(Cranial nerves). Absent in frog.


Spinal cord of frog tapers posteriorly in Urostyle as Filum terminale or cauda equina.


Spinal nerve passes through gland of Swammerdam(Ca+ rich) after emersing from spinal cord.


Autonomic nervous system 








Penis erection

Semen ejaculation


Nerve impulse



Resting potential (Polarized)----------------> -70mV


Active potential (Depolarized)---------------> 45mV


Repolarization----------------------------------> -70mV




Alzheimer’s disease(Dementia)------------->hyposecreation of acetycholine (old age disease)


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